Date of Graduation


Document Type

Dissertation (Open Access)

Degree Type



College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences


Sport and Exercise Psychology

Committee Chair

Jack C Watson

Committee Co-Chair

Damien Clement

Committee Member

William Fremouw

Committee Member

Christine Schimmel

Committee Member

Jack Watson

Committee Member

Sam Zizzi


This study utilized a consumer marketing approach to investigate National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) head coaches' preferences for a mental training mobile application (mobile map) using a conjoint market analysis. Head coaches' preferences for a mental training mobile app were compared based on price, ability to track athlete use of the app, recommendation sources, the inclusion of daily functions, coaches' awareness of the app being used by other teams, and the credibility of the mobile app content creators. Price and tracking athlete use were the two most important characteristics to coaches. Considering all characteristics, coaches preferred mobile apps that cost less than {dollar}200, provided comprehensive tracking of athlete use, came with an internal recommendation, included daily functions, were used by other teams, and were created by content creators who work with other successful programs. Based on market simulations, more than two-thirds of coaches would purchase a mental training mobile app with the characteristics presented in this study if given the chance. The present findings are evidence that the use of mental training at the NCAA level may rely more on the delivery method and cost of services than previously thought.
