"Improving Seeding and Mulching Specifications In West Virginia and Cre" by Forrest N. Pritt

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair

Leslie Hopkinson

Committee Co-Chair

Lian-Shin Lin

Committee Member

John Quaranta


Vegetation is established following construction through various seeding and mulching practices. Environmental permits in West Virginia require a minimum of 70% of ground cover by area for release of a construction site. The West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH), like many other states, has specifications for temporary and permanent seeding and mulching practices. This research critically evaluated the best management practices (BMPs) utilized in the WVDOH specifications, developed recommended revisions to the specifications, and created supplemental materials for future application.;Recommended revisions to the WVDOH include: topsoil, improved soil tests, rolled erosion control products (RECPs), biological growth stimulants (BGSs), hydraulic growth mediums (HGMs), and different types of hydraulic erosion control products (HECPs). Topsoil contains many important properties for the establishment and longevity of vegetation, such as organic matter, water, minerals, and microorganisms. BGSs are a source for organic matter and other important nutrients for vegetation. HGMs are products that can be used as a direct topsoil replacement in areas topsoil may not be available. Soil testing determines the amount of soil amendments to add to the soil for optimal vegetation results, such as limestone, fertilizer, and organic matter. Mulching procedures, such as HECPs and RECPs, were added based on their effectiveness in erosion prevention during seed germination and long term vegetation establishment. The most effective methods in each of the BMPs were added to a revised version of the WVDOH specifications.;A materials estimate tool was created to assist in the application of the revised specifications. The tool takes information about a construction area to determine the most cost effective method of seeding and mulching. The tool compares different methods within the revised specifications to guide a user to choose the most efficient practices for a site. The tool creates a custom output to allow a user to create a detailed cost analysis of applying the seeding and mulching BMPs within the revised specifications to a construction site. Three case studies were developed with this research to show the applicability of the tool. The results of the case studies show the price comparisons of applying seeding and mulching to each site.
