"Evidence Utility in Forensic Intelligence Models" by Jamie S. Spaulding

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Forensic and Investigative Science

Committee Chair

Keith Morris

Committee Co-Chair

James Nolan

Committee Member

Robert O'Brien


Forensic intelligence is the accurate, timely, and useful product of logically processing forensic case data for investigation and/or intelligence purposes. The most important facet of any investigation is the decision making process due to significant influence and direction of the downstream investigation. Wrong decisions can lead to an unsolved case or implication of an innocent individual. Accurate decision making can be reinforced by linkages or relationships uncovered within a case. Analysis of evidence can also create a link between cases leading to more effective case closure. Application of forensic intelligence seeks to rectify this problem; more open and fluid communication across all law enforcement agencies will uncover more inter and intra-case linkages. Graphical distribution of evidence enhances this process and creates a user-friendly interface analytical environment for investigators. Meaningful utilization of forensic intelligence at all levels of a given investigation serves to close more cases, provide case assessment/interpretation of all evidence, and give investigators higher confidence for testimony in court.;In order achieve a forensic intelligence case assessment model, the linkage analysis software IBMRTM i2RTM Analyst's NotebookRTM was employed. Analyst's NotebookRTM is a visual intelligence analysis environment that enables the user to quickly collate, analyze, and visualize data from numerous sources while reducing the time required to discover key information. The application of the resulting model within the software delivers timely, actionable intelligence to help identify, predict, prevent, and disrupt criminal, terrorist, and fraudulent activities based upon evidentiary value. Additionally, this software can be used in conjunction with an agency's current database or information repository to develop critical linkages between criminal activity.;Import specification models were developed and refined throughout the course of this project. The three step model serves to compile case information automatically and draw links for the investigator. Firstly, a model was developed as an import mechanism for case files into an intelligence network within Analyst's NotebookRTM. The significance of an import mechanism is that case files can be incorporated to the network in order to develop a repository of case files. Secondly, import specifications were developed to integrate articles of evidence with the case file. Finally, AFIS, CODIS, and IBIS database search results were incorporated with the cases and evidence already present in the forensic intelligence network. Complete integration of database results can be utilized for case assessment and interpretation by the investigator, and also to draw linkages with other cases in the network in a multi-case approach.
