Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Creative Arts


School of Music

Committee Chair

James Miltenberger

Committee Co-Chair

Aric Agmon

Committee Member

Mary Ferer

Committee Member

Andrew Kohn

Committee Member

Lucy Mauro


Barbara Kolb (b. 1939), one of the many lesser-known American avant-gardes, composed several unique works that symbolize what we consider American Art Music of late 1970s. Kolb survived with short periods of college institutional teaching and sustained her musical life mostly with commissions, scholarships, and award recognitions for her tremendous compositional output. The biographical information in this study gives several perspectives of Kolb's personal life: her persistence to pursue a career in music and also to maintain a private life. To serve as a reference for piano instructors or performers, this work journals performance challenges, options, and technical concerns with pre-recorded accompaniment in Solitaire (1971). Focused on the performance practice of other keyboard works Appello (1976), and Antoine's Tango (2001), this study serves as an overview of selected keyboard works.
