Date of Graduation
Document Type
Dissertation (Open Access)
Degree Type
School of Nursing
Adult Health
Committee Chair
Mary Jane Smith
Committee Co-Chair
Stacey Culp
Committee Member
Ronald E Greer
Committee Member
Teresa Ritchie
Background: Vaccines are one of the most successful and easily accessible prevention tools available to clinical practitioners in the United States. Falling levels of immunity in the entire population amplify concern for increases in preventable childhood diseases, making improving vaccination rates an important goal for current clinical practitioners (Omer et al., 2009).;Purpose: The purpose of this intervention was to increase the percentage of vaccinated children 0-6 years of age by sending a reminder letter to parent/guardians of children who are unvaccinated and under-vaccinated per the CDC's current immunization recommendations at a rural health center in West Virginia.;Project: The project plan was to (1) determine the percentage of children age 0-6 years in a rural family practice who are and are not fully immunized per the CDC's current immunization schedule; (2) develop an immunization reminder letter for caregivers of the children who are not fully immunized; (3) mail the immunization reminder letter to identified caregivers; (4) determine if the mailed reminder letter increased the number of children who are fully immunized per the CDC's current immunization schedule.;Summary of Findings: The project goal of increasing the number of children whose immunizations were up to date per the CDC's current immunization schedule was met. At the beginning of the intervention, 56% (n=130) of children age 0-6 at the rural health center were up to date per the CDC's current immunization recommendations. At the conclusion of the intervention 67% (n=156) of the eligible population were up to date, a 25% increase. This result was statistically significant (p=<0.001).;Implications: This project models a simple intervention rural family practices can implement to increase immunization rates among the pediatric population. In the future, the project can be used by other family practice settings to increase immunization rates.
Recommended Citation
Wooten, Jessica Scritchfield, "Immunization Reminder for Caregivers of Young Children" (2014). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 6975.