Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling & Counseling Psychology

Committee Chair

Reagan Curtis

Committee Co-Chair

Patricia Haught

Committee Member

Michael Mayton

Committee Member

Eileen St John

Committee Member

Jessica Troilo


Positive Behavior Support (PBS) promotes the importance of all staff, school locations, and instructional settings emulating and purposefully teaching the same targeted behavioral expectations. One way to achieve this is to decisively partner with parents and jointly teach positive behavioral conduct and cultivate consistent behavioral expectations across home and school. The purpose of this study was to determine degrees of parent involvement within the confines of a qualitative case study to assess the perceptual nuances that parents experience with their child's middle school using the PBS process. Six parents across two middle schools employing PBS voluntarily shared their perceptions of the benefits and challenges of connecting to their child's school. Results of this study revealed differing degrees of connectedness that are unique to the individual student needs, parental ease in engaging, and the school's effort to establish rapport. Implications for teacher education and parent participation are discussed.
