"Spanning Trails and Spanning Trees" by Meng Zhang


Meng Zhang

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences



Committee Chair

Hong-Jian Lai

Committee Co-Chair

John Goldwasser

Committee Member

Rong Luo

Committee Member

Mingquan Zhan

Committee Member

Cun-Quan Zhang


There are two major parts in my dissertation. One is based on spanning trail, the other one is comparing spanning tree packing and covering.;The results of the spanning trail in my dissertation are motivated by Thomassen's Conjecture that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian. Harary and Nash-Williams showed that the line graph L( G) is hamiltonian if and only if the graph G has a dominating eulerian subgraph. Also, motivated by the Chinese Postman Problem, Boesch et al. introduced supereulerian graphs which contain spanning closed trails. In the spanning trail part of my dissertation, I proved some results based on supereulerian graphs and, a more general case, spanning trails.;Let alpha(G), alpha'(G), kappa( G) and kappa'(G) denote the independence number, the matching number, connectivity and edge connectivity of a graph G, respectively. First, we discuss the 3-edge-connected graphs with bounded edge-cuts of size 3, and prove that any 3-edge-connected graph with at most 11 edge cuts of size 3 is supereulerian, which improves Catlin's result. Second, having the idea from Chvatal-Erdos Theorem which states that every graph G with kappa(G) ≥ alpha( G) is hamiltonian, we find families of finite graphs F 1 and F2 such that if a connected graph G satisfies kappa'(G) ≥ alpha(G) -- 1 (resp. kappa'(G) ≥ 3 and alpha'( G) ≤ 7), then G has a spanning closed trail if and only if G is not contractible to a member of F1 (resp. F2). Third, by solving a conjecture posed in [Discrete Math. 306 (2006) 87-98], we prove if G is essentially 4-edge-connected, then for any edge subset X0 ⊆ E(G) with |X0| ≤ 3 and any distinct edges e, e' 2 ∈ E(G), G has a spanning ( e, e')-trail containing all edges in X0.;The results on spanning trees in my dissertation concern spanning tree packing and covering. We find a characterization of spanning tree packing and covering based on degree sequence. Let tau(G) be the maximum number of edge-disjoint spanning trees in G, a(G) be the minimum number of spanning trees whose union covers E(G). We prove that, given a graphic sequence d = (d1, d2···dn) (d1 ≥ d2 ≥···≥ dn) and integers k2 ≥ k1 > 0, there exists a simple graph G with degree sequence d satisfying k 1 ≤ tau(G) ≤ a(G) ≤ k2 if and only if dn ≥ k1 and 2k1(n -- 1) ≤ Sigmani =1 di ≤ 2k2( n -- 1 |I| -- 1) + 2Sigma i∈I di, where I = {lcub}i : di < k2{rcub}.
