"Withdrawn: Why Students of Color Leave WVU" by Ahnieyah Porter

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Sociology and Anthropology

Committee Chair

Jesse SG Wozniak

Committee Co-Chair

Jason Manning

Committee Member

Joshua Woods


This study conceptualizes Vincent Tinto's theory of Individual Departure of college students and expands it to examine how it applies to the experiences of students of color, African Americans, who attend a predominately white institution that is West Virginia University. Tinto's theory measures individual departure in three stages; Separation, Transition and Incorporation. Using qualitative interviews, both former and current African American undergraduate students from West Virginia University were interviewed to discuss their experiences as students of color at a predominately white institution. The interview questions were designed to touch on each stage of Tinto's theory of Individual departure in order to determine how his theory directly effects African American students at West Virginia University.
