Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences


Sport and Exercise Psychology

Committee Chair

Samuel J Zizzi

Committee Co-Chair

Mark B Andersen

Committee Member

Monica Leppma

Committee Member

Jack C Watson II


Supervision is important to foster supervisees' development, protect their clients from harm, and ensure competence. Sport psychology graduate programs in the United States offer a variety of supervision approaches, but there are few official guidelines on how to supervise. This dissertation had the aim of investigating the supervision approaches being used with novice supervisees in applied sport psychology in the United States, and how these approaches relate to supervisees' development of service-delivery competence. Nine supervisor-supervisee dyads were interviewed before and after the academic term in which the supervisees had their first applied experiences. Supervisees completed two journal entries regarding their supervisory experiences and development. Two researchers coded the data inductively and one did constant comparative analysis. Results showed at least three different approaches to supervision may contribute to novice supervisees' development when they have certain helpful characteristics. Additionally, factors in practitioner's background, practice, and supervision that contribute to development of service-delivery competence are discussed.
