"Understanding Transgender Prejudice Through the Lens of Emotion" by Holly N. Fitzgerald



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences



Committee Chair

Natalie Shook

Committee Member

Daniel W. McNeil

Committee Member

Julie Patrick


Transgender individuals report facing incidents of discrimination often in all aspects of their lives (James et al., 2016). A potential way to combat the discrimination transgender people face is through reducing transgender prejudice. However, it is not yet known what comprises transgender prejudice. Some research has found that emotions may be the more predominant determinant of prejudice, as opposed to stereotypes (Dasgupta, Desteno, Williams, & Hunsinger, 2009; Haddock, Zanna, & Esses, 1993a; Smith, 1993). Thus, the present research sought to identify the specific emotions associated with transgender prejudice. In Study 1, participants completed explicit and implicit measures of prejudice and measures of basic emotions (e.g., anger, disgust) about transgender men and women. In Study 2, participants completed an online survey of self-reported prejudice and emotions (both primary and secondary) toward transgender men and women. The studies found that more disgust, anger and contempt toward transgender individuals was associated with more prejudice; and more compassion toward transgender individuals was associated with less prejudice. Additionally, the studies found that differential patterns of emotions were associated with transgender individuals compared to cisgender individuals. Overall, the studies provide support that differential emotions are related to transgender prejudice.
