"Evaluation of Test Specimen Geometry of Asphalt Mixes Tested with the " by Abha Dwivedy



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair

John P. Zaniewski

Committee Co-Chair

John Quaranta

Committee Member

Yoojung Yoon

Committee Member

Fei Dai

Committee Member

Kashy Aminian


Asphalt concrete, AC, is a heterogeneous material that is modeled as a homogeneous material. The disparity between material structure and theory presents issue with performance testing with test sample geometries, resulting in variability. The purpose of this research is to develop appropriate sample geometry for AMPT test for accurate characterization of asphalt mix and ease of testing.

Four sample geometries were fabricated for three mix types. All specimens are fabricated at 7%0.5% air voids and tested for AMPT tests. The effect of sample geometry was statistically analyzed using laboratory test results and performance predictions using FlexPAVE. For ranking analysis all Sample Types, were compared to the full size AASHTO standard dimension used for up to 37.5 mm NMAS mixes for dynamic modulus and rutting test and for up to 25 mm NMAS mixes for fatigue test. Samples were also tested for air void uniformity using AASHTO R 83-17 for the three NMAS mixes. The lateral air void distribution from six different inscribed circles are also statistically analyzed. The MANOVA showed specific sample types be selected based on the mix NMAS for dynamic modulus test. More variability in air void distribution is observed axially than radially. The ST6, one 75X110 mm from one SGC pill, for 12.5 mm and 25 mm and ST4, three 50X110 mm from one SGC pill, for 19 mm NMAS mixes have uniform air void distribution from statistical analysis and performed comparable to ST1, one 100X150 mm from one SGC pill, from ranking analysis.
