"Evaluation of the Impact of an Educational Intervention Aimed at Impro" by Allen C. Potter



Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



School of Nursing

Committee Chair

Teresa Ritchie

Committee Member

Sandra Cotton

Committee Member

Kesheng Wang

Committee Member

John Davis


Background: Florida (FL) is one of the top five states in the nation for Tuberculosis (TB) infections. A majority of new infections can be found in the minority populations which represents 78% of all TB infections in the state. A combination of TB rates in FL, Orlando located 60 miles away and a transient population who frequently deploys worldwide to austere locations may result in an increased risk of acquiring TB. Literature suggests Health Care Providers (HCPs) obtain training regarding TB Infection Control (TB-IC). The Patrick AFB Military Treatment Facility (MTF) lacked a TB Infection Control (TB-IC) plan. Objective: The overall objective was to increase TB-IC knowledge in HCPs within the Patrick AFB MTF.. Methods: A 4-hour educational intervention was executed with two aims for evaluation: 1) establish a TB-IC educational intervention to include a Pre/Post-test and have a minimum of 15 staff members complete 100% of the intervention. 2) 50% of the participants will increase scores from the pre to post-test by 50%. Results: Staff knowledge was significantly increased; the educational intervention was successful as planned. 19 participants completed 100% of the training and 53% increased pre to post-test scores by 10%. Discussion: This project demonstrated an educational intervention regarding TB-IC can be successfully implemented. The creation of a sustainable program to ensure the continued success of the intervention was recommended to the MTF leadership. However, this interventional program should be scalable in the future, the flexibility and agility of the program should be generalized to perhaps cover respiratory related issues rather than targeting a specific disease. Although TB is certainly relevant as the evidence has shown us, what we are currently experiencing is a reminder of just how fragile we are as humans and the speed at which respiratory disease can spread.
