"Interoperability Of IP-Based Cameras" by Faythe C. Maston



Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

Roy Nutter

Committee Member

Powsiri Klinkhachorn

Committee Member

Kevin Bandura


In this day and age of advancing technology and increasing crime, more and more citizens are investing in technology to increase their personal security. One such technology is the use of home-based IP security systems. These systems are comprised of one or more IP-based security cameras with owners preferring to have a way to view all camera feeds at once. Since not all security cameras are made to interact with each other, it is necessary to find a program that allows a user to view all security cameras at once, regardless of what brand of cameras they use. After researching, iSpy seems to be the most adaptable program that can be used in monitoring all security feeds, with most programs having larger limitations on what cameras can be used or the amount in use. While programs, such as Anycam or VLC, met some of the goals and others met all of the goals, but had limited functionality, like RTSP Mosaic Viewer, iSpy was found to be the ideal program to match the goal of this thesis.
