"Barriers and Facilitators of Seeking Psychological Help for Muslims in" by Sarah R. B. Milam



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling & Counseling Psychology

Committee Chair

Lisa F. Platt

Committee Co-Chair

Monica Leppma

Committee Member

Jeffery Daniels

Committee Member

Christopher R. Scheitle


Due to increased social, cultural, and political struggles for Muslims in the United States (MUS), affordable, accessible, and culturally appropriate mental health care is important for these individuals (Aloud & Rathur, 2009). MUS are an underrepresented group that use mental health services at low rates (Ciftci, Jones, & Corrigan, 2013; Khan, 2006). MUS, especially those with mental health concerns, hold a number of stigmatized identities, often including their race and ethnicity, religion, and mental health status that can result in discrimination (Ciftci et al., 2013). The purpose of this study was to examine factors related to self-stigma for seeking psychological help in MUS. It was hypothesized that Muslim beliefs and practices would increase self-stigma for seeking psychological help and that this relationship would be mediated by acculturation, perceived religious discrimination, and perceived ethnic discrimination. Structural equation modeling was used to test these hypotheses. The direct path between Muslim practices and self-stigma of seeking psychological help was not statistically significant. None of the hypothesized mediated paths were found to be statistically significant. However, results suggested that greater levels of Muslim practices were associated with lower levels of acculturation and that lower levels of acculturation were associated with higher levels of self-stigma for seeking psychological help in a sample of MUS. A number of demographic variables were found to be associated with the main study variables. These findings are discussed along with implications for counseling psychologists and recommendations for future directions in this area of study.
