"Exploring the User Experiences of a Bird ID Mobile App Among College S" by Jayvijay V. Raol



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Learning Sciences and Human Development

Committee Chair

Ugur Kale

Committee Member

Donald Trisel

Committee Member

Jiangmei Yuan

Committee Member

Abhik Roy


This study explores user experiences of a sample of college age young adults from western India, with a bird ID mobile app. Mobile apps provide an attractive and interactive access to information and their reach and versatility can often bypass challenges of poor infrastructure and lack of access to sources for information. Studies that examine the influence of mobile apps on users’ knowledge and awareness are still in their infancy. Mobile phones and mobile applications have become increasingly prevalent in the educational setting, not only as technology for instructional delivery, but also as a means of improving user experience when accessing information. Researchers have been studying the usability features and end- user experiences from mobile applications for innovative design improvements (Tang, Abraham, Stamp & Greaves, 2015). Despite its potential to impact learning and user attitude, very limited research exists on how passive interactions with certain content specific mobile applications may increase users’ knowledge and awareness on issues of contemporary importance to our society. Therefore, given the ever-growing reach of mobile devices and applications, the researcher is interested in exploring if a mobile app that allows users to identify the birds of western India, influences their knowledge and awareness of birds around them. This study will provide insight on how mobile apps may be designed to provide unique experiences leading to awareness and change in conservation knowledge and perception.
