"Effect of Diet, Age, and Genetics on Rainbow Trout Growth and Fillet Q" by Bahareh Adami



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design


Animal and Nutritional Sciences

Committee Chair

P. Brett Kenney

Committee Member

Ida Holásková

Committee Member

Eugene E. Felton


In this study, analyses were conducted to compare fillet quality attributes of 4 rainbow trout families (40, 102, 159, and 187) fed fish meal (FM) and a fishmeal free diet (FMF), to two age endpoints, 9 and 11 months.

Previous studies with rainbow trout have evaluated the effect of age, diet, and family on growth performance and fillet quality. However, a comprehensive analysis of variables is lacking for rainbow trout, one of the main aquatic foods for domestic and international consumers.

Separable muscle as a percent whole body weight was not affected by diet, family, age, and the interaction of these main effects.

Butterfly fillet as a percent of whole weight was affected by diet with a family-by-age interaction (P0.05). Crude protein was higher in fish at 11 than at 9 months (adjusted p-value=0.01). Raw Allo-Kramer shear force was higher at 11 months (adjusted p-value=0.002). Also, trout from family 187 had a higher shear force compared to families 40 and 159 (adjusted p-value=0.01 and 0.005, respectively). The family-by-age interaction was significant for cooked Allo-Kramer shear force (P0.05). A significant diet-by-family interaction was observed for the L* value (P

This work provides supportive information for future evaluations of the effect of age, diet, and family on trout fillet quality attributes.
