"Perceptions of Integrated Mental and Behavioral Health in Pediatric Sp" by Desireé Nicole Williford



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Publication Pending

Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences



Committee Chair

Christina L. Duncan

Committee Member

Cheryl B. McNeil

Committee Member

Melissa D. Olfert

Committee Member

Julie Hicks Patrick


Pediatric patients are at an increased risk of experiencing mental and behavioral health concerns, which have direct associations with HRQOL, physiological health, and likelihood that youth will engage in health promoting behavior. Researchers and practitioners have increased their awareness of these concerns and identified strategies for improving the mental and behavioral health of these youth, specifically via implementing organizational efforts (i.e., task forces) and guidelines around integrating psychosocial screening and other services into routine practice. Despite this, there are several identified barriers to families receiving mental/behavioral health care in these settings. These barriers exist at all levels, including at the levels of the organization, medical provider, and the family/individual child. The present study utilized a convergent parallel mixed-methods design to explore provider perceptions of integrated mental/behavioral health in pediatric subspecialty settings, including utility, acceptability, possible utility, and barriers/facilitators to implementation. Participants included 30 providers from WVU Medicine Children’s from a range of pediatric medical subspecialties. Participants completed a series of questionnaires via REDCap as well as a 60-minute semi-structured interview. Four overarching themes emerged from the qualitative data. These data were integrated with quantitative findings to develop a better understanding of provider perspectives. Implications for future research and practice within the scope of integrated mental and behavioral healthcare in pediatric specialty settings are discussed.
