"Kindergarten Entry Assessment Practices in Pennsylvania" by Anne Katona Linn Ed.D.



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Not Listed

Committee Chair

M. Cecil Smith

Committee Co-Chair

Amy Root

Committee Member

Kimberly Floyd

Committee Member

Cathy Scutta


In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, there is significant variation in kindergarten programs and the entry assessment systems used in school districts. There are no reliable data on the kindergarten entry assessment (KEA) systems used in public kindergarten programs across the Commonwealth. It is well-established that comprehensive KEAs should be part of a broader preschool through third grade (P-3) continuum of early childhood education to assess whole-child skills, include families and community partners, be culturally and linguistically responsive, and developmentally appropriate. This study aimed to understand the KEA practices of kindergarten teachers in Pennsylvania. An online survey was distributed to kindergarten teachers and elementary administrators in K5 classrooms in Pennsylvania public schools. The study evaluated the best practice strategies used including the skill domains assessed, the types of assessment instruments used, the purposes of KEA, and the professional development opportunities for teachers to implement the KEA system implemented by school districts. Responses were analyzed using an independent sample t-test to identify differences between groups for ratings of professional development types. There were significant differences between teachers and administrators on professional development teachers received for administering and conducting analyses for KEAs. Further research is needed to identify a larger sample of participants to inform policies and practices for teacher preparation, professional development, and the development of KEA systems in Pennsylvania. The data may also inform best practices for implementation, instructional content and strategies, and early childhood education curricula across the Commonwealth.

3-5-2021 Kindergarten Entry Assessment Practices in Pennsylvania=AKLINN FINAL rev.pdf (524 kB)
AKLINN Revised Dissertation document 3-5-2021
