Date of Graduation


Document Type



This was a qualitative study investigating countertransference reactions toward incest victims and how these reactions impacted the therapist. Two caucasian male and two caucasian female therapists were participants. Their level of education varied from masters' degrees (n = 3) to a doctoral degree (n = 1). Years of experience ranged from 5 to 25 years. Each participant agreed to an in-depth interview, to maintain a journal for three months recording reactions toward two current sexual abuse clients, and to an exit interview. Qualitative analyses employing recommendations by Hycner (1985) were utilized. Results described a diversity of reactions and management of reactions that were emotional, cognitive, behavioral and visual in nature. Participants' differential reactions toward client gender, the impact this work had on the participants' personal life, changes that occurred over time, and a parallel process that emerged between the participants' personal issues and therapeutic issues were discussed. Finally, implications for practice in the areas of training and future research were addressed.
