Date of Graduation
Document Type
The primary objective of this study was to determine the impact of Creative Problem-solving (CPS) training on students' creative thinking and finished art products. Experimental and Control groups were matched by age (13-14) and grade (eighth). The creativity training program used in the study was a total of sixteen sessions of 55 minutes each. The vehicle for the study was CPS which was conducted by the writer who encouraged fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Control group received no special training during their traditional art class. Data were analyzed using t-test and correlations. All subjects constructed art products at the end of the training. Five judges rated the art products using "creative" as the main criterion. In addition, each subject was given the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Figural Form B (TTCT F.B.) at the end of the study. This procedure involved a pre-test before intervention and a post-test after the students completed the art products. The CPS activities used in this study were significantly effective in enhancing subjects' creativity in the design of a finished art product. The activities were also significantly effective in increasing the subjects' creative thinking abilities as measured by the TTCT F.B. These correlations between Total Score on the TTCT F.B. and Judges ratings on Finished Art Products was r = {dollar}-.23{dollar} and.02 for experimental and control groups. The primary hypotheses supported by this study which served as the focus of the study were: Hypothesis 1 which stated that subjects in the experimental group would have significantly greater compostie post-test scores than the control group as measured by the TTCT F.B. Hypothesis 2 which stated that subjects in the experimental group would have a greater mean rating the subjects in the control group on finished art products as measured by a panel of 5 judges. The results of this study seem to provide general implications for art education. Creativity training should be included in art classes and CPS techniques should be adopted to help students with artistic problems. The five creative variables: Fluency, Originality, Titles, Elaboration and Resistance to Premature Closure, used in this study, should be stressed in the art curriculum.
Recommended Citation
Bush, Frances Elizabeth, "Creative problem-solving and its effect on eighth-grade students." (1988). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 8555.