Date of Graduation
Document Type
The purpose of this study was to analyze the attitudes and perceptions of chief student affairs officers and student leaders at Research I universities of serious student problems and the impact on the design and implementation of student services programs, policies, and procedures. Separate questionnaires were sent to chief student affairs officers and elected student leaders at Research I universities. These questionnaires asked the respective groups to identify current serious student problems on their campus. For comparative purposes, chief student affairs officers were also asked to identify serious student problems in the past and next five years. In addition, they were asked to identify specific programs, policies, and procedures that have been developed and implemented in response to student-related problems on their campuses. Major findings indicate that chief student affairs officers and student leaders believe alcohol abuse is the most pressing student-related problem. Chief student affairs officers also indicated a rise in psychological/emotional problems while student leaders indicated other drug abuse and dating violence are causing great concern among the student population. It is clear student affairs and other campus administrators must be cognizant of the myriad of complex problems students bring to the university campus. Because the university operates within the greater context of society, higher education administrators must be current and contemporary in their response to the changing incidences of problematic behavior. Students will continue to challenge the campus community with the serious problems they manifest upon arrival on campus. Student services programs, policies, and procedures must reflect the changing needs of today's students.
Recommended Citation
Cook, Melanie Jeanne, "Current college and university serious student problems: A study of attitudes and perceptions of chief student affairs officers and student leaders at Research I universities." (1997). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 8660.