Date of Graduation


Document Type



This study was designed to determine if 1996 high school seniors who enrolled at West Virginia University at Parkersburg in the fall of 1996 were receiving equal educational opportunity with a focus on computer access and usage. The data collection consisted of two major parts: surveying the students in the 7-county service area of WVUP and interviewing at least 5 teachers or other professional staff from among each of the 11 schools located in 7 different counties. The findings of the study showed that students did not enjoy equal access to computers and computer instruction and that a combination of socioeconomic factors had the greatest impact on this issue of equity. Ethnic background proved not to be a significant factor. That there were significant gender barriers could be only weakly supported through the data analysis. Results of the study were generally supported by the literature reviewed, although it was assumed that gender differences would prove to be more of a barrier than was determined through this study. In conclusion, 6 recommendations were offered for further research.
