"The interrelationship of conation, goal accomplishment style, and psyc" by Michaeleen Ann Davis

Date of Graduation


Document Type



This study investigated the interrelationship of conation, goal accomplishment style, and psychological type in distance learners. The research questions for this study focused on the interrelationship of conation, goal accomplishment style, and psychological type in distance learners by measuring the conative capacity and psychological types of distance learners enrolled in satellite delivered courses. The study also investigated what influence, if any, do distance teachers have on the conative capacity of distance learners. Distance teachers need to be aware of the individual differences of distance learners in order to provide facilitation through distance education resources. The interpretation of the results indicated distance learners are intrinsically motivated, set small, realistic and practical goals, and have a high volitional control over their behavior because they were goal-oriented. A portion of this study investigated the conative capacity and psychological types of distance learners in a higher education environment to determine the appropriate 'fit' between the individual's goal accomplishment style and the psychological type. The data were analyzed using paired t-tests to examine the relationship, closeness, or association between paired scores on the categories of the GOI and the types of the MBTI. The interpretation of the questionnaires, journals, and structured interviews indicated that the distance teachers were excellent role models and mentors because they encouraged critical thinking skills, provided practical information, promoted learner self-confidence and self-efficacy, and had a genuine interest in their students. The continued use of the conative domain in distance education programs will continue to foster teaching effectiveness by helping distance students become better learners and distance teachers become better facilitators. They must also continue to develop support or study groups within the receive sites, and to continue to build the collaborative effort with the distance teachers. Distance teachers must know the conative capacity of the students and deem it necessary to incorporate the conative domain and conative objectives into the curriculum, or implement goal-setting activities into the courses. Recommendations for further study are also discussed.
