Date of Graduation


Document Type



Teachers play a key role in implementing curriculum changes in the science classroom. The evaluation of teachers' views regarding the relationships that exist between science, technology, and society can strengthen the link between curricular reforms and the content that students' acquire in their learning experiences and contribute to the improvement of preservice and inservice teacher education programs. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if participation in the West Virginia K-12 RuralNet Project has impacted teachers' views about science, technology, and society interactions. This investigation employed a matched-group quasi-experimental research design which involved 58 West Virginia (K-12) teachers. The experimental group was composed of 29 teachers who participated in a two-week workshop and a follow-up on-line course as part of the West Virginia K-12 RuralNet Project. The 29 control group teachers were selected from a pool of West Virginia Science Teachers Association members who completed both the pretest and posttest. Data were collected using 20 item statements selected from the VOSTS instrument and through follow-up telephone interviews. The findings of this study indicated that the West Virginia K-12 RuralNet Project impacted teachers' views concerning the influence of society on science and technology. The findings of the telephone interviews indicated that teachers held positive views concerning the changes made in their classrooms when the Internet was used to enhance classroom learning. Study findings also indicated that demographic factors such as gender, years of teaching experience, and grade level taught had little influence on teachers' views.
