Date of Graduation


Document Type



The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which accommodations have been made for the non-traditional student in basic programs of nursing. The target population was all of the Diploma, Associate Degree and Baccalaureate nursing programs accredited by the National League For Nursing in the United States. Programs for this study were selected by random sampling techniques. Fifty nursing programs from each category were determined as an adequate sample size in advance. The instrument for data collection was presented in the form of a survey. Data were obtained and submitted to descriptive analysis. All data were obtained in a confidential manner and a concerted effort was made to protect the privacy of the participants. Statistical tests applied to the data provided information relative to the purpose and questions of the study. The characteristics of the institutions and programs of nursing identified a large number of non-traditional students in nursing. The accommodations made for the non-traditional student in the learning environment included such areas as ease of payment of tuition and fees, health screening services, housing, child care provision, access to advisors and stress reduction. The modifications of instructional delivery for the non-traditional student noted that the educational programs in the survey provided the same formats for all students and did not separate this process for any specific groups. Selected areas included in the analysis were self-directed learning modules, communication, goal setting, self-paced activity, individualized plan of study and input in the learning process. The theoretical framework throughout the context of the study encompassed the adult learning theories, the adult learner and the expanded learning environments. The role of the nurse educator within the framework was identified in the study.
