"The effects of role transition from ADN to BSN nurse educator upon rol" by Martha Sue Forsbrey

Date of Graduation


Document Type



This study was designed to examine the effects of changing from teaching in an Associate Degree Nursing Program to teaching in a Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing Program upon role conflict and role ambiguity. Nurse administrators of 120 randomly selected NLN accredited baccalaureate programs were asked to identify faculty who changed from teaching in ADN to BSN education within the last three years, along faculty who had never taught in ADN programs. Thirty-nine administrators identified 314 nursing faculty meeting study criteria. A cover letter, demographic survey and Role Perception Questionnaire (Rizzo, et al., 1970) were mailed to each subject. A total of 248 (79.0%) faculty returned the questionnaires with a useable return of 242 (77.1%). Data were analyzed using the General Linear Model of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Analysis of the data provided these findings: No significant difference was identified in the perception of role conflict or role ambiguity, between those respondents who had changed from teaching in ADN to BSN programs and those who had not. Analysis of data failed to establish any significant differences between correlated role conflict and ambiguity scores and respondents' ages, years of teaching at current institution and highest academic degree. There appeared to be an effect of type of orientation upon perceived role conflict and role ambiguity, although it was not statistically significant. Faculty who received both institutional and departmental orientations reported lower levels of both role conflict and role ambiguity than faculty who received any other type of orientation. The following recommendations were made to nursing administrators: (1) In view of the findings of this research, previous teaching experience in ADN verses BSN education should not be the primary issue in employment decisions. While type of previous teaching experience may be associated with scholarly output or academic degree held, these factors should be evaluated in light of institutional mission and program needs. (2) Administrators should take the lead in developing and conducting a comprehensive orientation program as the initial step in successful role transition. Orientation should be mandatory for all faculty changing position and individually tailored to the needs of those new to nursing education, the institution, and/or type of nursing program.
