"An exploratory study of multiple relationships, ethical decision makin" by Leslie M. Frere

Date of Graduation


Document Type



Multiple relationships are a concern for the helping professions, yet are often unavoidable. Smaller communities, such as those on college campuses, can make avoiding these types of relationships difficult where professional roles frequently overlap. This research explores the characteristics that may influence an individual’s ability to identify situations where harmful relationships are likely to occur. Respondents included staff members and interns at APA accredited internship sites in college counseling centers across the United States. A survey was mailed to 659 potential respondents with 136 usable responses. The independent variables of age, clinical experience, and amount of received supervision were examined with respect to an individual’s ability to perceive potentially harmful ethical dilemmas involving dual relationships. These variables were examined to explore the following questions: Does a practitioner’s being older or younger have a relationship to perception of multiple relationship dilemmas?; Does having more or less clinical experience correlate to varying perceptions of harm?; Does having been supervised in a clinical setting influence the ability to perceive potentially harmful relationships? An independent variable of theoretical orientation was also evaluated. Gottlieb’s (1993) model for avoiding exploitive dual relationships was used to focus attention on the dimensions he proposes in his decision making model and to assess perception of potential for harm in multiple relationships. Significant relationships were demonstrated between the ability to identify potentially harmful relationships and supervision, age, and clinical experience. The results of the research study suggest that people who are younger, with less clinical supervision and clinical experience were more sensitive in their perception of potentially harmful multiple relationships. Directions for future study are offered to extend the scope of this research.
