Date of Graduation


Document Type



The use of pedagogical skills such as critical element knowledge, error detection skill, and feedback precision are deemed necessary by researchers in creating effective teachers. However, most studies have examined these skills independently rather than studying them as a process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a 1-week intervention program on the feedback giving process. Specifically, the study examined (1) PETE students knowledge of critical elements, (2) the ability to detect errors from a video performance, and (3) the precision of feedback following such an observation on 12 movement skills. Seeing whether the feedback process was transferable from practiced skills to novel skills was also examined. The participants of the study were 50 PETE undergraduates enrolled in two separate sections of the same introductory course. The experimental research design of the study consisted of a pre-test, post-test, and retention-test on the three variables between an experimental and a comparison group. Both groups received training on critical elements and error detection. Only the experimental group received feedback training. To determine the effects of the intervention programs on both groups, a repeated measures multiple analysis of variance (RM MANOVA) for each of the three variables: critical element knowledge, error detection skill, and feedback precision were employed. Statistically significant findings were examined using post hoc ANOVA's, collapsed group contrasts, and follow up t tests. The results show that both groups improved significantly on critical element knowledge. Both groups had no change in error detection skill showing that the training failed. The experimental group showed significant differences compared to the control group and a transfer effect from practiced to novel skills on feedback precision. The findings of this study support the use of PETE programs combining teaching skills rather than isolating.
