Date of Graduation


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Disruptive Behavior Disorders (DBDs) consist of four categories of syndromes known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD), and DBD Not Otherwise Specified (NOS). They are the most prevalent disorders in children and adolescents and the most common reason for referral to residential treatment centers (RTC). However, little research exists concerning RTCs efficacy in treating disruptive behavior. The following study attempted to take a comprehensive approach in that it evaluated the effectiveness of an RTC, including the specific treatments that contributed to a positive outcome. The study also took the investigation a step further and attempted to identify the types of clients for which the treatment was most and least effective. The files of 78 child and adolescent clients admitted for treatment of DBDs at a residential facility were reviewed. Information from the Personal History Checklist was used to identify predominant characteristics of the clients. Behavior severity and treatment outcome were based on admission and discharge scores, respectively, on the Child Behavior Checklist, Teacher's Report Form, and Youth Self Report. Results indicated that child and adolescents diagnosed with a DBD do improve following treatment at an RTC. However, youth who are less likely to succeed in treatment (a) exhibit more severe behaviors upon admission (b) hold a diagnosis of ODD (c) have a higher number of stressful life events, and (d) receive medication and individual therapy while in treatment. Additionally, the study identified several risk factors that are commonly associated with all of the diagnoses. Furthermore, limitations of the study and implications for further research are also discussed.
