"Technology: A Process Approach." by Harold Herman Halfin

Date of Graduation


Document Type



Processes are those functional skills--som e authors c a ll them in te lle c tu a l sk ills--w h ich are the random or ordered methods, s tra te g ie s , or operations used by a technologist to accumulate knowledge about an a r tif a c t or to solve a technological problem. I t has been proposed in in d u s tria l a rts education th a t i t is ju s t as important fo r the student to learn the processes of a technologist as i t is fo r him to learn the content of technology. Problem The problem was to : (a) id e n tify the processes of a tech n o lo g ist, (b) define o p eratio n ally the id e n tifie d processes, and (c) v a lid a te the o p eratio n ally defined processes by subm itting them to a ju ry of experts.
