Date of Graduation


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The purpose of this study was to determine the difference, if any, between the levels of role conflict and role ambiguity as perceived by full-time faculty at two types of community and technical colleges in West Virginia. Full-time faculty from two freestanding and seven component institutions participated. Demographic characteristics were also compared with role conflict and role ambiguity by institutional type. Two survey instruments were mailed to the total population of 332 faculty. A return rate of 61% was attained. Role variables were measured with the Role Perception Questionnaire (Rizzo, House, & Lirtzman, 1970). A Faculty Demographic Questionnaire was used to collect (a) personal factors, (b) professional qualifications, (c) work conditions, and (d) the intent to leave or stay the current position. A faculty profile emerged of a male or female who is at least 50 years old, holds a master's degree and academic rank of professor, was not part-time before becoming full-time faculty, with more than 10 years of teaching experience, more than 10 years of teaching experience at the present site, required to teach 12 or more credit hours per semester, and did not intend to leave the position within the following year. Several parallels existed between the survey participants and their counterparts as discussed in the literature. The results of the correlation analysis comparing role conflict by institutional type were not statistically significant. Role ambiguity was statistically significant at freestanding institutions. The scale scores for faculty role ambiguity and role conflict coefficients were negatively correlated and statistically significant. The use of role conflict and role ambiguity as separate constructs was supported by the findings. Recommendations were made for future research to assist policymakers and administrators in developing strategies to manage faculty role conflict and role ambiguity and its negative impact on organizations and employees.
