Date of Graduation
Document Type
This study determined the attitude of a college faculty toward using microcomputers for instructional purposes. By conducting a needs assessment and a comprehensive review of literature in the areas of computer applications in higher education, computer literary, training, and training models, a Training Model for microcomputer instruction of the college faculty was developed. The survey instrument which was designed during the course of the study was sent to the entire population of eighty-seven College of Education faculty members. The instrument had three parts: (A) Opinion about using microcomputers for instruction, (B) Training needs, and (C) Background information. Based on a five point Likert scale, the respondents indicated their attitude toward using microcomputers as instructional tools. Fifty-two questionnaires were returned giving a response rate of 60 percent. To determine the reliability of the attitude portion of the questionnaire, the internal consistency method was used. Chronbach alpha coefficient of reliability for Part A of the questionnaire was found to be 0.94. Training needs assessment was conducted by using a matrix which provided information on the respondents' level of current knowledge, level of training needed, and preferred method of training. Demographic data gave information on age, gender, and higher education teaching experience of the participants in the study. It was found that the respondents had a very positive attitude toward using microcomputers in their classes. Based on the review of literature and the results obtained from the survey instrument, a Training Model was developed. The Training Model includes a discussion on the Content, Process and Facility needed to design an effective microcomputer instruction training program for a college faculty.
Recommended Citation
Hazari, Sunil Isar, "Development of a training model for microcomputer instruction of a college faculty." (1990). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 9011.