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This study investigated the relationship between faculty nativity and role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction. Role conflict and role ambiguity were measured by Rizzo, House and Lutzman's instrument. Job satisfaction was measured in six areas using Smith, Kendall and Hulin's revised Job Descriptive Index. Inbred faculty were defined as those faculty holding a nursing degree from the employing institution and comprised 31% of the sample. Questionnaires were sent to faculty at 21 accredited schools of nursing in eight states in the southern United States. Demographically, the faculty were female (98%), young (73% under age 50), and in the lower non-tenured academic ranks (64%). There was no indication that faculty nativity influenced role conflict and role ambiguity; however, inbred and non-inbred faculty differed in job satisfaction perceptions. Inbred faculty as a group reported higher mean scores in four of the six satisfaction areas (work in present position, leadership, colleagues and Job-in-General). Non-inbred faculty appeared to be more satisfied with the reward system, showing higher means in the job satisfaction areas, salary and promotion opportunities. Both faculty groups indicated negative relationships between the role stress variables (role conflict and role ambiguity) and all job satisfaction areas. The non-inbred faculty generally indicated stronger negative relationships between the variables and all variable relationships were significant. The inbred faculty indicated weaker relationships between the variables and a number of these relationships were not significant. The mediating variables, age and years in position, affected the relationships between the role stress variables (role conflict and role ambiguity) and satisfaction with leadership and colleagues in the non-inbred faculty group. Inbred and non-inbred faculty did not respond identically to the role stress variables with regard to the various job satisfaction areas. The satisfaction area, work in present position, was predictive of role conflict in the inbred faculty. The satisfaction area, leadership, was predictive of role ambiguity in the inbred faculty. For the non-inbred faculty, satisfaction with work in present position and satisfaction with leadership significantly predicted both role conflict and role ambiguity.
Recommended Citation
Johnston, Patricia Ann, "The relationship between faculty nativity and role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction among nursing faculty." (1988). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 9121.