"Even a small star shines in the darkness: Overcoming challenges faced " by Tretip Kamolsiri

Date of Graduation


Document Type



This paper has investigated the challenges faced by pianists with small hands. The author, a pianist with very small hands, has aimed to devise performance strategies and offer new perspectives in order to encourage pianists who may feel limited by their hand size to strive for success in their piano playing. Chapter 1 offers rationales for the study of this topic, sets the limits of the research, and defines related terms. Chapter 2 reviews related literature. It summarizes findings from books, articles, dissertations, presentations, interviews, master classes and websites related to this topic. Sources examined address this topic from a variety of perspectives, including musical stretching exercises, advice from renowned piano performers and teachers, findings from research projects, and information on reduced-size keyboards. Chapter 3 offers information and advice in three different areas related to small hands. First Dr. Jay Bradley, a Doctor of Orthopedics, was interviewed regarding the structure of the hand, hand stretch, and fatigue. Secondly, Dr. Tinka Knopf de Esteban, a pianist with expertise in working with small-handed pianists, was interviewed and videotaped demonstrating stretching exercises learned from her teacher, the renowned pianist, Alicia de Larrocha. Thirdly, information about a new reduced-size keyboard, the DS Standard Keyboard is provided. Advantages and disadvantages of performing on such a keyboard are summarized. Chapter 4 analyses and twelve piano compositions, and suggests performance strategies for small-handed pianists based on an extensive study by Patricia Eger.1 Chapter 5 offers a summary, conclusions recommendations for further research. 1Patricia R. Eger, “A Study of the Problems Encountered by the Pianist with Small Hands and a Compendium of Practical Solutions,” DA diss. Ball State University, 1982.
