"The construction of "The Student Perception of Teacher Health Scale"." by Steven Craig Koehn

Date of Graduation


Document Type



The purpose of this study was to construct a student perception of a teacher's health scale. The rationale for the study was the severe lack of research on the effects of a teacher's health in the classroom environment. In addition, the tremendous dropout rate in the teaching profession due to burnout, stress and other health related factors was a key ingredient. Scale construction was deemed an important beginning component in investigation of an area with little prior investigation. The original scale was designed using student focus group participation. A sample of 54 undergraduate subjects were interviewed and audio-taped. Analysis of the interviews resulted in an original 75 item scale being constructed from the focus group procedure. Three hundred subjects completed the 75 item scale survey and these scales were used for factor analysis and correlation analysis procedures. The final scale construction resulted in a 20 item survey. The scree plot indicates a strong unidimensional scale. Factor loadings for 17 of the 20 items is above.70, with 2 items above.80. Cronbach reliability for the 20 item scale was.96. The test-retest reliability score was.86. Areas for future research were suggested.
