"Establishing diagnostic applicability and validation of the Pictogram " by Luba Leontieva

Date of Graduation


Document Type



The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Pictogram Test (a test that was developed and used in Russia) is applicable for the English-speaking population of the USA for diagnosing schizophrenia. Another study goal was to establish construct validity of the Pictogram Test. Russian-speaking participants from Russia and English-speaking participants from the USA were participants in this study. In each language group there were two groups: participants diagnosed with schizophrenia and normal controls. The results showed that the Pictogram Test is generally applicable for the English-speaking population. Moreover, the results showed that the Pictogram Test is sensible for detecting schizophrenia. Evidence for construct validity of the Pictogram Test and MMPI-2 scales that associated with diagnosis of schizophrenia was found in this study.
