Date of Graduation
Document Type
This research investigated the types of reasoning used by coal mine employees when exposed to potentially dangerous situations. Information was gathered through interviews of coal miners who related actual experiences in the coal mines. The information in the interviews and in the review of the literature was used to develop and implement an experiential program that promoted an individual's responsibility for their safety and the safety of co-workers. The experiential program addressed safe work behaviors from the perspectives of emotional and cognitive memories and the functions of the human brain. This program had three overall objectives of assisting miners to become mindful of their actions at all times, enhancing their awareness of dangerous situations, and increasing their capacity to reason through and respond safely to dangerous situations. Both quantitative and qualitative measures were used to determine the program's success. Results of this research indicated that the experiential program had a positive impact on the participants' response patterns when confronted with potentially dangerous situations.
Recommended Citation
Monteressi, Christopher, "Emotional hijacking versus safe behavior." (1998). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 9448.