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Popular support for the Greek Revolution of 1821 in the United States threatened American neutrality and isolation. Plagued by insufficient funds, limited resources and incessant internal strifes, the Greeks appealed to Europe and America for help. Because of philhellenic feelings, both Europe and America responded with private aid. Some European powers eventually intervened in the Greek struggle, primarily because of political and economic interests in the Ottoman Empire, but the United States preferred to retain its isolation from European affairs. Even though President James Monroe, certain members of the cabinet, and numerous influential Americans wanted to give military assistance to the Greeks and recognize their independence, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, fearing the Holy Alliance's apparent threat to South America's freedom, loss of isolation, and war with Turkey, thwarted all attempts to help Greece. However, as president, Adams changed his position to one of benevolent neutrality, primarily, it seems, because of Lafayette's influence, and in one instance ventured beyond the rules of neutrality to help the Greeks buy a fully armed warship and sail it out of New York harbor manned by American naval officers and sailors.
