"Repeated reading intervention using taped books to increase emergent l" by Laura Anne Reissner

Date of Graduation


Document Type



Providing children at-risk for reading difficulties with books and video tapes gives children the exposure to print which may be lacking in home and early school experiences. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of using books on tape to provide print experiences to children at-risk for reading difficulty. Two treatments were provided using books on video and audio tape. Sixty-three children who participated in a kindergarten or first grade Title 1 program in Taylor County, West Virginia were randomly assigned to one of three conditions, books on audio tape, books on video tape, or control group. Pre and post group measures of concepts about print, listening comprehension, retelling, and overall reading ability were used to assess the effects of each approach. Four children identified as learning disabled were specifically studied using qualitative methodology to assess the effects of the treatment. Treatment consisted of repeated presentation of one of eight stories on video tape or audio tape. The control group participated in reading related activities. Analysis of pre-post gain scores demonstrated significant effects for audio tape only for developing concepts about print in children at-risk for reading difficulty. Children in first grade were significantly more likely to make greater gains in their overall reading ability as measured by the Woodcock Reading Masters Tests-Revised. When presented with a familiar story the children in both the audio and video groups were more successful at retelling details from the story and answering comprehension questions than the children in the control group. Books on audio and video tape provide opportunities for children who have not experienced a print-rich environment to gain skills in language, comprehension, and necessary pre-reading skills. Using books on audio and video tape appears to provide a simple, time efficient, and cost effective method for teachers to improve the listening and story telling abilities of children at-risk for reading failure.
