"An Analysis Of The Fund Raising Methods For Intercollegiate Athletics " by Milton Earl Richards

Date of Graduation


Document Type



The purpose of this investigation was to determine the fund raising methods of the Philadelphia Big Five, as perceived by the directors of athletics and/or athletic fund raisers. The specific purpose of the study was to examine, in relation to the sample population during the 1981-82 fiscal year, (1) Who was involved in raising money? (2) What methods were used to raise money? (3) What did the directors of athletics and/or athletic fund raisers do with the funds they raised? (4) What were the sources of the funds raised for the specific athletic departments? Data collection was accomplished through a pre-determined questionnaire developed by Dr. Ned Alger of the University of Utah in 1969. On-campus interviews were conducted at each subject's campus. The results were analyzed through descriptive statistics using discussion and tables. The researcher found that only two of the institutions surveyed did any extensive fund raising, two institutions were moderately involved in fund raising, and one institution did no athletic fund raising. Although the literature indicates that fund raising in American intercollegiate athletics is a necessity, the subjects interviewed were not heavily involved in fund raising. If we compare this study to the Alger study, we see little improvement in today's fund raising methods for athletics over those of the late 1960's. From the data collected, we can conclude the following concerning the sample population and athletic fund raising: (1) All member institutions should seriously consider initiating an on-campus fund raising program. (2) All member institutions should seriously consider reevaluating their entire fund raising methods. All schools should set a goal for their fund raising campaign, and then employ a sophisticated campaign to reach that goal. (3) All member institutions should require their coaches to, in some way, become involved with the fund raising campaign. (4) All member institutions should make greater use of volunteers in their fund raising campaign. (5) All member institutions should consider including endowments and bequests into their total fund raising campaign.
