"Perceptions Of Nursing Education Administrators And Nursing Service Ad" by Judith Pinson Sortet

Date of Graduation


Document Type



The problem investigated was the degree of incongruence between the perceptions of nursing education administrators and nursing service administrators in regard to the educational preparation and employment practices for technical and professional nurses which has contributed to discontent in the profession. The population studied was nursing education administrators in AD and BSN programs and nursing service administrators in general acute care hospitals in West Virginia. The research method was a descriptive survey using a mailed questionnaire developed by a researcher. Eighteen (100%) of the nursing education administrators and sixty (89.6%) of the nursing service administrators responded. Seven perceptions were examined to determine significant differences between the nursing education administrators and the nursing service administrators on preparation, job assignments and salaries of AD and BSN nurses. The data was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U Test. All perceptions differed at less than the .05 level of significance. These perceptions revealed that the nursing education administrators more than the nursing service administrators believe that BSN nurses should receive higher salaries and should receive promotions to head nurse and supervisory positions over AD nurses. Nursing education administrators also perceive a difference in abilities between BSN and AD nurses more than do the nursing service administrators. Finally, the education administrators more strongly perceive a clear difference in the academic preparation of technical and professional nurses than do the service administrators. The survey revealed two broader concerns which affect the incongruencies. First, hospitals do not differentiate between professional and technical nurses in job assignments and salaries. Second, the uneven distribution of AD and BSN programs in West Virginia has created pockets of concentration of technical and professional nurses in the state. The demonstrated incongruence in nursing combined with the changes in health care which are developing has intensified the need for coordination between nursing education and nursing practice in order to deliver comprehensive nursing care. A statewide task force is recommended to study nursing practice and nursing education to make the efforts of the two groups more congruent.
