Date of Graduation


Document Type



The seven objectives of this study are as follows. 1. To develop an analytical technique for the quantitative separation of the low-boiling constituents of coal. 2. To determine if correlation exists at a significant level between the low-boiling organic constituents and the petrology of the coal. 3. To determine if correlation exists at a significant level between the low-boiling organic constituents and the elemental composition of the coal ash. 4. To determine if a significant difference in the lowboiling constituents exists between different coal seams. 5. To determine if a significant difference exists in the low-boiling organic constituents of a coal sampled from different paleoenvironments, or influenced by different paleoenvironments. 6. To determine if a systematic stratigraphic and/or lateral variation exists in the low-boiling organic constituents within the same coal unit and if these variations form definite trends within the coal. 9 7. To explain the possible stratigraphic and/or paleoenvironmental signifance of the above correlations .
