"Policy decision-making in the United States of America and the People'" by Bangyong Su


Bangyong Su

Date of Graduation


Document Type



This study is involved in policy decision making in USA and PRC with respect to the development of national goals for public education, and deals with the following two perspectives: (1) Investigate the policy decision making process and the national education goals developed in USA. (2) Investigate the policy decision making process and the national education goals developed in PRC. This study adopts analytical and descriptive methodology including documentation review and observation. The researcher conducted computer searches through Education Research Information Center (ERIC), Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS) International, Dissertation Abstract International, Social Science Search, Sociological Abstract, and all the Internet-Accessible library catalogs & databases. To assist American readers, the researcher lists the major documentation from 26 Chinese related sources because the documentation from the United States is well organized and easily identified as defined above. The specific steps involved in the computer searches are demonstrated in Chapter III. Three major findings in this study are: (1) Top politicians in both USA and PRC are dominant policymakers with little involvement of real players like principals, teachers, parents, and students. (2) Administrative objectives set with their measurement and criteria for implementing are vague in both USA and PRC, thus hard to attain. (3) Neither America 2000 nor China 2000 has the scientific basis except the economics. Five recommendations are made based upon the findings of this study: (1) Various research theories need to be solicited and research funding needs to be increased. (2) Any theoretical model and policy making process for both centralization and decentralization in education needs to be further studied with the consideration of political, economic, social, cultural, and other major factors. (3) International and comparative education needs to be emphasized and advanced telecommunication needs to be introduced into public education. (4) Independent and professional agencies should be established to coordinate and supervise educational development under the direct leadership of the courts instead of all governmental leadership. (5) The relationship between USA and PRC should be strengthened despite political differences and some "single issue" constituencies.
