Date of Graduation


Document Type



The primary purpose of this study was to identify the activities required for students in high school in physical education classes, and utilize current staff members to rate these activities according to their perceptions. The survey group was located in western Pennsylvania and the districts involved included urban, suburban, and rural populations. Each respondent was requested to complete a survey which included demographic information isolating gender, years of teaching experience, and earned educational degrees. Eighteen school districts received the questionnaire and each school responded by completing the survey. The total number of faculties located at each school could not be determined, but each of the schools selected supplied completed questionnaires. The data collected was analyzed with a summated rating scale system. This methodology compared the responses of all individuals in each sub-grouping with the responses of all others within that same group. The rating scale established in the instrument used a scale ranging from 5.0 for items perceived very important through 4.0 ratings for those items considered important, 3.0 for those competencies with average importance, 2.0 for any item of little importance, and 1.0 for any activity which has very minimal importance. The following conclusions were made based upon the data compiled in the analysis: (a) activities related to activities with lifetime influence received the highest evaluations, (b) gender responses occurred in only two areas of activity requirements, females tended to eliminate wrestling while males eliminated dance-related activities, (c) the earned educational degree had minor influence upon the responses, but the exception was those in the doctoral level tended to rate cognition higher than those in the other degree categories, (d) some activities which have been included in curriculum structure were rated to be eliminated (this included gymnastics and track and field), (e) the majority of responses were similar in the perceptions of all the staff surveyed which indicates a similarity of purpose and direction.
