"The Civil Service Of Saudi Arabia: Problems And Prospects" by Ahmed Mohmed Tawati

Date of Graduation


Document Type



It is a critical study of the civil service of Saudi Arabia. Its-first objective is to provide a thorough and critical analysis of the evolution of the personnel administration in the country since the emergence of modern Saudi Arabia in 1902 to the present time. Thus the personnel system will be traced to its original Western model. The study will demonstrate that the basic pattern of the present Saudi Arabian civil service system is an imitative rather than an indigenous one. It has its origin in Western culture. The second objective of the study is to provide a critical analysis of the various functions of the present personnel system. Thus the General Personnel Bureau will be examined with respect to its structures, functions, organization, and performance. The third objective is to examine the impact of the present economic boom on the civil service. It is the assumption of this author that the present economic boom has hindered the capabilities of the civil service to cope with development and change effectively. The last abjective is to contribute to better understanding and better explanation in comparative administration. Through the analysis and assessment of the Saudi Arabian civil service the author hopes to shed some lights on the problems and difficulties facing administrators in developing countries.
