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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Communication Studies


This study, employing an exploratory mixed-methods approach, explores college students’ use of Yik Yak, a pseudo-anonymous social media platform that allows users to post short messages and engage primarily with other nearby users. Study 1 qualitatively examined student uses and perceptions of the app through 12 in-depth interviews with Yik Yak users. Study 2 conducted a content analysis of yaks (N = 3,905) from 24 colleges and universities to gain a better understanding of the content that students post and engage with inside the app. The combination of qualitative and quantitative findings offers insight into the complex phenomena of Yik Yak in a university setting. Limitations and future directions of research are discussed.

Source Citation

Clark-Gordon, C. V., Workman, K. E., & Linvill, D. L. (2017). College Students and Yik Yak: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study. Social Media + Society, 3(2), 205630511771569.


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