Document Type

Scholarship Project

Publication Date

Summer 7-26-2024


School of Medicine


Occupational Therapy



College can impact mental health for all students, especially those involved in a college sport. Sports require significant time dedication that decreases time available for students to be involved in other activities such as academics or leisure which can lead to increased stress. This study focuses on investigating the impact level of competition and location of school may have on student athletes’ mental health in the state of West Virginia. A mixed methods self-report survey with a total of 75 questions was administered online via Qualtrics software. Quantitative data was analyzed using Stats IQ feature on Qualtrics and qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis. Most participants agreed that there is a stigma surrounding mental health in college athletics. We found that social support in the form of friends, family, teammates, and coaching staff was a significant factor in the overall mental health of the athletes. Injury was a factor that negatively impacted the athlete’s mental health, they often found a loss of identity when no longer able to play their respective sport. Time spent dedicated to sports and academics limited participants' available time to dedicate to other activities which led to feelings of being overwhelmed and overall negative mental health. Overall athlete Occupational therapy is uniquely qualified to work with this population because of the training in mental health, routines, and life transitions.
