Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Uncommon Trends, Common People: Alternative Modernity, Identity Formation, Class, and Gender in Colonial Nigeria 1920-1960, Odunayo A. Adeojo
It's Written All Over Your Face: A Cultural and Gender History of the Face in the Middle Ages, 1170-1500, Lacey N. Bonar Hull
Faithful Partner: The Role and Agency of Pastors' Wives in the Protestant Reformation, Elizabeth M. Dubendorfer
The Paradox of Welfare: British Colonial Army, Post-War Demobilization and End of Empire in Nigeria, 1945 – 1965, Waliu Alao Ismaila
Political Agency in the Occupied House: Reconstructing Memory through Squatter Resilience at Topf and Sons Historical Museum, Ebony Taylor Martin
Extracting Meaning: Museums, Power, and Shaping the Story of Coal, Danielle Marie Petrak
Beccaria, the Executioner, and the French Revolution, Willa Carlyle Reising
Contentment and Control: The Stonega Coke & Coal Company & Pioneering Welfare Capitalism in Southwest Virginia, Christopher Lloyd Tomlinson
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
“Long have I wished to see the king:” Indigenous Transatlantic Diplomacy in the 18th Century North American Southeast, Riley Christian Bowers
“Ingenious Entanglements”: Sheriffs, Capitalism, and Civil Society in America, 1750-1850, Chad R. Holmes
Levantine Immigration and Community Building in Charleston, West Virginia, 1900-1930, George P. Jacobs II
The Women of Salò: Roles and Expectations in the Italian Social Republic, Johnathon N. Keller
Ambush, Reprisal, Riot, Revolt, and Reform: The Transnational Evolution of British Colonial Policing in Ireland and the Palestine Mandate, 1918-1948, Tyler Kickler Krahe
Skirting the Law: Sensationalism and Spectacle of British Murderesses from the 1830s to the 1860s, Sarah Elizabeth Offutt
Losing my Religion: Contextualizing Continental Catholic Seminaries in the Elizabethan Reformation, 1558-1603, Cole Volman
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Enemies, Allies, and Opportunities: The Politics of Noblewomen’s Lawsuits in Early Modern Piedmont, Catherine Ferrari
A Case Study of Poland Regarding the Utility of Strategic Culture, Christian Pierce Griffith
The Vanishing Frontier: Economic and Social Change in Western North Carolina, 1945-1970, Elisabeth Avery Moore
The Dances of Diplomacy: French Social Dance Culture in the United States, 1780-1800, Kaylar Gina Moser
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
“Sir, We Have the Honour Most Respectfully to Submit Our Humble Petition”: Voices in Ink and the Politics of Petitions in Colonial Igboland, Nigeria, 1892-1960, Bright Chiazam Alozie
“The Entire Army Says Hello”: Common Soldiers’ Experiences, Localism, and Army Reform in Britain and Prussia, 1739-1789, Alexander S. Burns
Doctors, Miners, and Black Lung: A transatlantic comparison of organized medicine's role in the fight for black lung recognition in West Virginia and Wales, Mollie M. Cecil MD
“Remov[e] Us From the Bondage of South Africa:” Transnational Resistance Strategies and Subnational Concessions in Namibia's Police Zone, 1919-1962, Michael R. Hogan
Imagined Communities: The British Planter in Nyasaland, 1890 - 1940, Benjamin Marnell
Mau Mau’s Moral War: The Sacralization of Kenya’s Anticolonial Struggle, 1952–1956, Henry Muoki Mbunga
“‘The Negro had been run over long enough by white men, and it was time they defend themselves’: African-American Mutinies and the Long Emancipation, 1861-1974”, Scott F. Thompson
The Ethics of Aerial Bombardment in International Conflicts: From Douhet to Drones, Rauan Zhaksybergen
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Civil War in Indian Territory, 1861-1865, Zachery Cowsert
Dreams of Industrial Utopias: Leading Manufacturers of the Deep South and their Mill Towns during the Civil War Era, Francis Michael Curran
Galvanizing Germantown: The Politicization of Louisville's German Community, 1848-1855, Ann Kathryn Fleming
Struggle for Sovereignty: An African-American Colonization Attempt and Delicate Independence in Mid-Nineteenth Century Central America, Matthew D. Harris
The State and War on Poverty: British Welfare Development and its Legacies for Malawi, 1930s-1983, Gift Wasambo Kayira
Respectable Women, Ambitious Men: Gender and Family Networks in Victorian Sheffield, Autumn Mayle
Seasons Past: Wildcat Strikes and the Smith-Connally Act During World War II, Andrew Robert McCloskey
Voices of Płaszów: The Impact of Schindler's List on a Former Concentration Camp, Jordan L. Riggs
New York Sons of Erin: Nativism, Identity, and the Importance of Irish Ethnicity in the Civil War Era, Abbi E. Smithmyer
"Treading on the footprints of history": American Catholic Pilgrimage as Public History, Charlotte Vester
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Training Friends and Overseas Relief: The Friends Ambulance Unit and the Friends Relief Service, 1939 to 1948, Nerissa Kalee Aksamit
From Segregation to Integration: A History of African-American Education in West Virginia, 1862-1971, Tamara Denmark Bailey
State Counter-Insurgency And Political Policing In Colonial And Post-Colonial Malawi, 1891-1994, Paul Brenard Chiudza Banda
The Progressive Miners of America: Roots of Dissent and Foundational Years, 1932-1940, Ian Stewart Cook
Liberation by Emigration: Italian Communists, the Cold War, and West-East Migration from Venezia Giulia, 1945-1949, Luke Gramith
Bargaining for Security: The Rise of the Pension and Social Insurance Program of the United Steelworkers of America, 1941-1960, Henry Edward Himes III
Vi et Armis: Londoners and Violent Trespass Before the Common Pleas in the Fifteenth Century, Lindsey McNellis
Queen Louise of Prussia: Gender, Power, and Queenship During the Sattelzeit Era, Samantha Sproviero
Breaking and Remaking the Mason-Dixon Line: Loyalty in Civil War America, 1850-1900, Charles R. Welsko
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Principles and Rhetoric of Autarky: Debate and Decision-making in Early Colonial Kenya, Ian Michael Ferguson
Contested Narratives: The Influence of Local Remembrance on National Narratives of Gettysburg During The 19th Century, Jarrad A. Fuoss
Schmick’S Frontier: Native American And Moravian Community Building In Colonial Pennsylvania, 1753-1765, Megan Trent Mcgee
The Margins Of Myddle: Poverty And Community In A Shropshire Parish, C. 1601-1800, Betsy L. Morgan-Cutright
Mobilizing the Moral Majority: Paul Weyrich and the Creation of a Conservative Coalition, 1968-1988, Tyler J. Poff
Britishers in Two Worlds: Maltese Immigrants in Detroit and Toronto, 1919-1960, Marc Anthony Sanko
Standing in the Shadow of Empire: Ideology in the Path to West Virginia Statehood, Kristen L. Wilkes
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
"Mingled in One Common Destruction": Gender and the Household Economy in Harpers Ferry, 1859-1865, Elizabeth Conant-Lambert
"Home Sweet Away-From-Home?" Morgantown, West Virginia's Sunnyside Neighborhood as a Cultural Landscape, Pamela Yvonne Curtin
Naval Diplomacy and the Making of an Unwritten Alliance: United States-Brazilian Naval Relations, 1893-1930, Karina Faria Garcia Esposito
Between a Bear and an Eagle: Soviet Arms and the U.S. Response in Peru, William Horacek
Marriage and Textiles in the American Civil War South, Hannah McClearnen
"Our Own Flesh and Blood?": Delaware Indians and Moravians in the Eighteenth-Century Ohio Country., Jennifer L. Miller
Fashioning a Soldier: Male Clothing, Union Volunteers, and the Adaptation of a Soldierly Image, Robert W. Novak
Sir Frederick Jackson: The Explorer and the Governor, Levi Houston Sanders
The Fabianization of the British Empire: Postwar Colonial Summer Conferences and Community Development in Kenya and Uganda, 1948-1956, Joseph M. Snyder
War on the Mind: Trauma and Coping among Union Soldiers and Veterans, Kathleen Anneliese Logothetis Thompson
All the Single Ladies: Christina of Markyate and the Importance of Spiritual Guidance in Medieval England, Courtney Weaver
In Darker Shadows: Intelligence Analysis and Decision-Making behind the Overthrow of Guatemalan Democracy, William R. Weber
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Four Days that Transformed Spain 11-M Impact on Memory Recovery Examined through the Lens of Duality, Thomas J. Divins
Early Political Discord in Kenya: European Settlers' Political Struggles in the East Africa Protectorate, 1902-1912, Makhete Fall
The Role of Debt and Dependency in Shaping West Virginia's Political Economy, 1820-1920, Chad R. Holmes
Walking Out of Step: U.S.-Israel Relations and the Peace Process, 1967-1975, Kenny Kolander
A History of Violence: British Colonial Policing in Ireland and the Palestine Mandate, Tyler Krahe
A Communion of Churches: Indian Christians, English Ministers, and Congregations in New England, 1600-1775, Gregory Alan Michna
Spectacular Struggles: Utopian Whiteness, Black Resistance, and the National Imaginary in Nineteenth-Century America, Courtney L. Novosat
Muslim Education and Communal Conflict in Colonial Bengal: British Policies and Muslim Responses from 1854 to 1947, Nilanjana Paul
The Crucible of Globalization: Latin America in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1973-1994, Madison Sergent
Sites of Education: Race, Memory, and the Conflicting Discourses of Learning in America, 1827-1914, Douglas Terry
Ordinary Sailors: The French Navy, Vichy and the Second World War, Alexander John Upward
Bound Together: Slavery and Democracy in Antebellum Northwestern Virginia, 1815--1865, Adam Zucconi
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Memory Wars: Debates on the Holocaust and the Legacy of anti-Semitism in Poland, Jonathan Andrew Bergquist
Parishioner Labor in the Late Medieval Parish of Ashburton, Lacey Bonar
Maopewa iati bi: Takai Tonqyayun Monyton "To abandon so beautiful a Dwelling": Indians in the Kanawha-New River Valley, 1500-1755, Isaac J. Emrick
Institutional Decolonization: The Internationalization of the Conflict Over Organized Labor in British Guiana, 1946-1961, Joshua David Esposito
Manifestations of the Maimed: The Perception of Wounded Soldiers in the Civil War North, William R. Feeney
Remains in Peace: American Military Remains and Memory Diplomacy in France, 1918-1972, Richard A. Hulver
The Making of Natal: Defensive Institutions and State Formation in Nineteenth Century Southern Africa, Jacob Mckinnon Ivey
Ethnic Diplomacy: Race, the United States, and Mexico during World War II, Jordan Lieser
Old War, New Deal: Commemorative Landscapes, the National Park Service, and the 75th Anniversary of the Civil War, Rebekah N. Oakes
What Shadows We Pursue: Death, Democracy, and Disunion in Antebellum America, Joseph M. Rizzo
The Anti-Imperialist Empire: Soviet Nationality Policies under Brezhnev, Jason A. Roberts
Illustrating Appalachia: The sketchbooks and publications of David Hunter Strother, 1833 to 1887, Alee Robins
Against the Thalassocracy: Sacred Geography, Nationhood and Perennial Traditionalism in Alexander Dugin's Neo-Eurasianist Philosophy, Jonathan Rushbrook
Cultivating Intelligent Consumption: The United States Food Administration and Food Control During World War I, James H. Smith
Christ in the Margins: Confronting Racism through the (Written) Word in Post-Civil War America, Cara L. Snider
Estonian displaced persons in post-war Germany, Signe Tonismae
How History Matters: Polish Memory Politics and Policies Toward Russia Since 1989, Richard Tyler Underwood
Atlanticism In Visegrad: Understanding the Relationship between Central Europe and the U.S. after 1989, Brian S. Valdivia
The Cold Culture Wars: The Fight for Democratic Education in Post-War New York, Brandon C. Williams