Energy and labor intensities projected to the year 2010. [For a 40-sector economy]
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Total (direct and indirect) energy and labor intensities have been projected to the year 2000 for a 40-sector economy. Energy intensities were derived by modifying the CONAES results with four possible energy-price-change scenarios between 1975 and 2010. Labor intensities were projects using data from the CAC model and projected BLS matrices to approximate the effect of a doubling of energy prices between 1975 and 2010. As an illustrative example, the projected data were used to determine the net energy and employment impacts of the National Energy Plan on residential energy use to the year 2000.
Recommended Citation
Hannon, B. and Pleszkun, A. R., "Energy and labor intensities projected to the year 2010. [For a 40-sector economy]" (1978). Accounts and Data. 161.