Submissions from 2002
2002 Washington Input-Output Table, Washington State Office of Financial Management
Submissions from 1996
MEMLI - The Indonesian Model for Environmental Analysis - CO2 Emissions and Economy, State Ministry of Environment, Indonesia
Submissions from 1995
Sistem Neraca Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia 1995, Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta Indonesia
Input-Output Tables 1988, Central Bureau of Statistics
Multiregional Input-Output: Dampak Anggaran Pembangumunan Transmigrasi 1994/95 Terhadap Perekonomian Nasional dan Regional, Regional Development Planning Unit
The Report of the Economical Budget for the Hiroshima Citizens, Yoshiro Sugawara
Submissions from 1994
Sistem Neraca Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia 1990 - Volume 1, Biro Neraca Konsumsi dan Akumulasi
Sistem Neraca Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia 1990 - Volume 2, Biro Neraca Konsumsi dan Akumulasi
The Multi-Region Input-Output Table of Indonesia for 1990, Construction, Description and Analysis, Netherlands Economic Institute
Submissions from 1993
A Detailed Input-output Table for Morocco, 1990, Maurizio Bussolo and David Roland-Holst
Submissions from 1992
System of National Accounts, Kishori Lal
Submissions from 1990
Annual Input-Output Tables in Japan 1975-1985, Kimio Uno
Submissions from 1989
Non-migas Exports of Indonesia From a Regional Perspective: A Survey, Titi Chairani
Input-Output Tables in Japan 1951-1985, Kimio Uno
Submissions from 1987
The Washington State Input-output Study for 1982, Philip J. Bourque
A Short Description of the 1982 West Virginia Input-Output Model, David Greenstreet
Submissions from 1986
Klasifikasi Sektor Tabel Input-output Indonesia 1985, Biro Pusat Statistik
Submissions from 1984
Australian National Accounts Input-output Tables Commodity Details 1978-79, R. J. Cameron
The Input-output Structure of the Canadian Economy 1971-1980, Kishori Lal, Basil McCormick, Mike Palme, Jean-Marie Ferland, and Pierre Généreux
The Input-output Structure of the Canadian Economy in Constant Prices 1971-1980, Kishori Lal, Basil McCormick, Mike Palme, Jean-Marie Ferland, and Pierre Généreux
U.S. Input-Output Data: A 1984 Update, Ronald E. Miller
The Input-Output Structure of the U.S. Economy, 1977, United States Department of Commerce
Submissions from 1983
Social Accounting Matrix Indonesia 1975 - Volume 2, Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta Indonesia
Australian National Accounts Input-output Tables 1977-78, R. J. Cameron
Submissions from 1982
The Input-output Structure of the Canadian Economy in Constant Prices 1971-1978, Minister of Supply and Services Canada
Regional Input-output Tables for Queensland, 1978-79 GRIT II, J. B. Morison, G. R. West, and R. C. Jensen
An Interregional Input-output Table for Queensland, 1978-79 GRIT III, G. R. West, J. B. Morison, and R. C. Jensen
Submissions from 1980
Capital Requirements and Busbar Costs for Power in the Ohio River Basin, 1985 and 2000 - Phase II, Richard Newcomb and Bruce Bancroft
Submissions from 1979
The 1975 West Virginia Input Output Study Modeling A Regional Economy, Anthony L. Loviscek, Randy E. Holliday, Lucinda A. Robinson, and Melissa A. Wolford
Matriz de Relacoes Intersetoriais Brasil 1970, Secretaria de Planejamento da Presidencia da Republica
Time Series Data for Input-Output Industries, United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics
Generation of Regional Input-output Tables for the State and Regions of South Australia - GRIT II, G. R. West, J. T. Wilkinson, and R. C. Jensen
Submissions from 1978
Energy and labor intensities projected to the year 2010. [For a 40-sector economy], B. Hannon and A. R. Pleszkun
The Texas Input-output Model, 1972, Planning and Development Division
De Interpretatie Van De Belgische Regionale Input-output Tabellen Voor 1970, J. Van Waterschoot, W. K. Brauers, and P. Van Elewyek
Submissions from 1977
Input-output Table Indonesia, 1971 Volume 1, M. Abdulmadjid
The 1972 Washington Input-output Study, Philip J. Bourque and Richard S. Conway Jr.
The input-output structure of the Canadian economy 1961-71, Kishori Lal, M. Y. Siddiqi, and A. B. McCormick
Submissions from 1975
Sistem Neraca Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia 1975 - Volume 1, Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta Indonesia
The Construction of the Welch Inter-Regional Input-Output Table for 1968, Richard D. Ireson and Cyril R. Tomkins
Analysis of the 1963 Interregional Commodity Trade Estimates, Malte Möhr
Submissions from 1974
Forecast of the 1975 Hungarian Input-Output Table with a Special Variety of the RAS Method, Peter Glattfelder
L'Economie du Brabant dans une Perspective Inter-Regional et Inter-Sectorielle No. 3: Premiere Analyse Des Resultats Statistiques No. 3, Dirk Vanwynsberghe
Submissions from 1973
The Structure of the Texas Economy: Input-output Analysis - Volume 2, Herbert W. Grubb
L'Economie du Brabant dans une Perspective Inter-Regional et Inter-Sectorielle No. 1: Methodologie No. 1, Dirk Vanwynsberghe
L'Economie du Brabant dans une Perspective Inter-Regional et Inter-Sectorielle No. 2: Les Relations du Brabant Avec les Autres Regions Resultats Statistiques No. 2, Dirk Vanwynsberghe
Submissions from 1972
An Input-output Study of the Economy of Northeast Texas, John W. Adams
An Input-output Model of the Southeast Region of Texas, Charles F. Hawkins
An Environmental Linkages Model fo the State of Maryland, Robert J. Korbach
An Input-output Model of the North Central Region of Texas, Walter E. Mullendore, Arthur L. Ekholm, and Paul M. Hayashi
An Input-output Model of the Lower Rio Grande Region of Texas, Joe C. Murrell Jr., Ronald B. Geenens, and Robert N. McMichael
Houston-Galveston Regional Input-output Study for 1967, Louis H. Stern
An Input-Output Model of the Low Rolling Plains Region of Texas, James R. Vinson
An Input-output Model of the South Central Region of Texas, James R. Vinson
Submissions from 1971
Le Systeme de Comptabilite Economique du Quebec - Le Traitement Des Depenses de Consommation, Ronald Carre
Submissions from 1970
Estimation of 1963 Input Requirements for Agriculture, Carolyn W. Anderson
Input-output Tables for the Washington Economy 1967, William B. Beyers, Philip J. Bourque, Warren R. Seyfried, and Eldon E. Weeks
An Inventory of Regional Input-ouput Studies in the United States #22, Philip J. Bourque and Millicent Cox
Le Systene de Comptabilite Economique du Quebec - Les Utilisations Volume III, Bureau de la Statistique du Quebec
Input-output Table of Kyusyu, Japan, Fukuoka Bureau of International Trade and Industry
Input-output Table of Chugoku, Japan, Hiroshima Bureau of International Trade and Industry
Estimation of 1963 Input Requirements for the Mining Industries, Roger Kubarych
The Inter-Regional Input-Output Table of Japan, Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Input-output Table of Hokuriku, Japan, Nagoya Bureau of International Trade and Industry
Input-output Table of Tokai, Japan, Nagoya Bureau of International Trade and Industry
Input-output Table of Kinki, Japan, Osaka Bureau of International Trade and Industry
Input-output Table of Hokkaido, Japan, Sapporo Bureau of International Trade and Industry
Input-output Table of Japan, Sapporo, Sendal, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Shikoku, Fukoka Bureaus of International Trade and Industry
Input-output Table of Tohoku, Japan, Sendai Bureau of International Trade and Industry
Input-output Table of Shikoku, Japan, Shikoku Bureau of International Trade and Industry
Input-output Table of Kanto, Japan, Tokyo Bureau of International Trade and Industry
Submissions from 1969
Estimates of Personal Consumption Expenditures in the State of Washington, 1954-1967, Phillip J. Bourque
National Income and Expenditure - 1969, Central Statistical Office
The Input-output Structure of the Canadian Economy 1961 - Volume 1, Dominion Bureau of Statistics
The Interindustry Structure of the Kansas Economy, M. Jarvin Emerson, Leonard D. Atencio, Phillip D. Brooks, and J. David Reed
The Input-output Structure of the Canadian Economy 1961 - Volume 2, Input-output Research and Development Staff
The Compilation of Data on Gross Private Investment in the State of Washington, Robert Haney Scott and George Chou
Input-output Structure of the U.S. Economy: 1963 - Volume 2 - Direct Requirements for Detailed Industries, U.S. Department of Commerce
Submissions from 1968
National Income and Expenditure - 1968, Central Statistical Office
Regional Income & Product Accounts of North-Eastern Nova Scotia, Stanislaw Czamanski
Inter-Regional Input-Output Supplements for Japan, Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Submissions from 1967
An Inventory of Regional Input-Output Studies in the United States, Philip J. Bourque and Gerald Hansen
National Income and Expenditure - 1967, Central Statistical Office
Philadelphia Region Input-output Study Working Papers-Volumes III & IV, Walter Isard and Thomas W. Langford Jr.
Submissions from 1966
Philadelphia Region Input-Output Study Working Papers-Volumes I & II, Walter Isgard, Thomas W. Langford Jr., and Eliahu Romanoff
Inter-Regional Input-Output Table for Japan, Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Inter-regional Input-Output Table for Japan, Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Direct and Indirect Requirements Matrix-Report IV, Research and Development Corporation
Direct Requirements Matrix - Report III, Research and Development Corporation
Submissions from 1965
Input-Output Compilation in Japan: Major Aspects Relevant for Inter-Country Comparison - Discussion Paper, Shuntaro Shishido and Tsunehiko Watanabe
Submissions from 1963
Western Multiregional Transactions Table 1963 Table X Part 1of2, University of California Water Resource Center
Western Multiregional Transactions Table 1963 Table X Part 2of2, University of California Water Resource Center
Western Multiregional Water Content Matrix 1963 Table XIV Part 1of2, University of California Water Resource Center
Western Multiregional Water Content Matrix 1963 Table XIV Part 2of2, University of California Water Resource Center
Submissions from 1962
Tablas Input-Output de la Economia Espanola - Volume 1 Importaciones, Valentín Andrés Alvarez, José Luis Sampedro Sáez, Enrique Fuentes Quintana, Angel Alcaide Inchausti, Joaquín Fernándex Castañeda, and Alfredo Santos Blanco
Tablas Input-Output de la Economia Espanola - Volume 2 Transacciones Inter-Industriales, Valentín Andrés Alvarez, José Luis Sampedro Sáez, Enrique Fuentes Quintana, Angel Alcaide Inchausti, Joaquín Fernándex Castañeda, and Alfredo Santos Blanco
Submissions from 1953
Industry Reports: MANUFACTURING METHODOLOGY The 1947 Interindustry Relations Study, United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics